
Rethinking Genesis: The Sources and Authorship of the First Book of the Pentateuch is unavailable, but you can change that!

Rethinking Genesis is an assessment of the origins of the book of Genesis. Garrett looks at the various possible sources of information that Moses drew on in putting together his account of the origins of the earth and the appearance of the history of Israel. The documentary hypothesis has always been criticized from conservative theological circles. This has tended to be in the form of outright...

and includes large portions of Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers and all of Leviticus. In Genesis, P refers to God as Elohim since, like E, it assumes that the divine name Yahweh was first revealed at the exodus (Exod. 6:3, a P text). It is dominated by genealogies, priestly regulations, and a highly stylized manner of narration. P was soon redacted into JED by RP. The Pentateuch was thus formed. A few fragments not related to any of the four source documents (e.g., Genesis 14) are also to be found in
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